
In and around Caesar Fitness + Spa Resort rules apply that everyone in the building must adhere to.

The entrance is equipped with access control. As a member, you will receive a membership bracelet which you can hold in front of the card reader upon entry to gain access.

Persons under 16 years of age cannot subscribe to Caesar Fitness + Spa Resort. Persons of 16 or 17 years old can only exercise under the supervision of someone over the age of 18.

It is not allowed to enter the club in groups of more than 2 people at a time.

Daypasses are available until 4:00 PM and give access to our facilties until 5:00 PM. It is mandatory to show a valid ID (passport or driver’s license) when purchasing a daypass. After 5:00 PM it is not allowed to make use of our facilities. In the evening, the use of our facilities is only possible for members.

It is not permitted to bring (sports) bags to the sports areas / saunas. You must leave them in a locker. It is not permitted to leave belongings in the clothing lockers after closing time. After closing, any items found in the lockers will be removed.

Smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the building.

In the training studios, drinking is only allowed from a sealable plastic bottle or water bottle.

It is not allowed to enter our lunchroom Morritzz in a bathrobe.

When booking a massage or beauty treatment, it is mandatory to show a valid ID (passport or driver’s license) and QR-code.

Found objects are kept for eight (8) days.

The management reserves the right to deny anyone access without reason and / or to terminate a membership.

Caesar Fitness + Spa Resort is not liable for theft, loss, damage or accidents in and around the club. As such, it cannot be held liable.

All cases not accounted for in these regulations will be decided by the management. Caesar Fitness + Spa Resort uses CCTV for security of guests and staff. We use a maximum retention period of 24 hours, unless certain image recordings are required to handle detected incidents.


Identificatie d.m.v. een geldig legitimatiebewijs (paspoort of rijbewijs) is verplicht. Het lidmaatschap is persoonsgebonden en niet overdraagbaar of inwisselbaar. Bij misbruik zal bij het lid een periode contributie naar de dan geldende tarieven in rekening worden gebracht als boete. Indien een persoon gebruikmaakt van een bandje dat niet van hem/haar is, zal het dagtarief van € 42,50 in rekening worden gebracht. In geval van vakantie, of anderszins wordt de geldigheidsduur van het abonnement niet aangepast. Bij verlies of diefstal van het lidmaatschapsbandje brengen wij € 10,00 in rekening. Caesar Fitness + Spa Resort behoudt zich het recht voor om de tarieven aan te passen. Caesar Fitness + Spa Resort is altijd bevoegd om, wegens haar moverende redenen, personen tijdelijk of blijvend de toegang te ontzeggen en om de lidmaatschapsovereenkomst per direct op te zeggen.

If you wish to terminate a two-year membership within its duration, the benefit compared to the one-year membership, and any unpaid registration fees will still be charged before the termination becomes fact. In case of cancellation, there must be a period of three months after the end date before a new membership can start. When taking a membership at the time of a promotion, the start date must be within two months of the promotion.

Opening hours

Current opening hours can always be found on this website. Regular opening hours can be changed and deviating opening times may apply on public holidays.

Fitness & Cardio

Aerobics, spinning, group lessons.

In the sports studios it is mandatory to wear clean sports clothing, non-marking indoor shoes and to use a clean towel. Equipment should be put back in place after use. In exceptional circumstances a lesson may be cancelled.


We recommend using a locker to protect your property.
For everyone’s health and safety, it is mandatory to follow directions and advice from employees.

If you suffer from health problems or injuries, please report this to the instructor so that they can provide the correct guidance. If you are unsure about participating in an activity or performing an exercise, always ask the instructor for advice. Exercise regularly, but avoid overtraining.

Exercising more than once a day can lead to negative training results and injuries.

Verbal and/or physical violence will not be tolerated.

Unwanted and/or desired intimacies in Caesar Fitness + Spa Resort are not allowed.

en_GBEnglish (UK)
🎄 Holiday update🎄

Please note! During the holiday season, we have adjusted opening hours, and our group class schedule has been updated.

Click here to view the updated group class schedule