The word “yoga” derived from the Sanskrit word Yuj which means “connection.” It is about the connection between body and mind0 In the modern world, the balance between body and mind is often disturbed. Yoga offers us exercises that restore balance. It makes the body and mind alive and flexible. Yoga teaches you to listen to your own body. We offer a wide choice of different yoga forms.

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is the most classic and famous form of yoga. You adopt different yoga poses and breathing exercises to promote balance between the body and mind. Hatha yoga is the perfect class to join to get acquainted with yoga.

Iyengar yoga

The poses during Iyengar yoga are generally held for a longer period of time. This offers the opportunity to improve the posture in more detail. This form of yoga is perfectly suited for those who want to work on their back or neck complaints and/or want to improve their posture.


During this class you train the mind to achieve more awareness. There is a wide range of techniques: focusing on the breath, relaxation, developing compassion, love, patience, forgiveness and charity. It takes an inner effort to self-regulate the mind.

Power yoga

Power yoga is derived from Ashtanga Yoga and is a dynamic form of yoga with a fixed series of postures. The class starts with sun salutation A, B, standing and sitting postures and finishing poses. The body becomes supple and powerful while the mind is stilled by using specific breathing techniques. This class is physically challenging, making it suitable for those who enjoy sports.

Sri Sri yoga

Sri Sri Yoga is an authentic yoga practice that prepares the body and mind for deeper meditation. The group class starts with breathing techniques followed by a diversity Hatha Yoga sequences. The group class is completed with 15 minutes of meditation. Sri Sri Yoga is designed to restore, deeply relax and make Yoga accessible to all.

Vinyasa yoga

Vinyasa yoga can be considered to be the most athletic yoga style. Every movement is coordinated with your breathing while you move from one position to another. The class is aimed at building fitness, strength, flexibility, inner peace and the correct application of breathing. Ideal for those who want to practice yoga in a more dynamic way.

Yin yoga

Yin yoga is suitable for those who want to practice yoga in a gentle way because these classes are very relaxed. You let gravity do most of the work whilst holding postures from 45 seconds to 2 minutes. This class is great for beginners.

Yin yang yoga

The advantages of holding postures (Yin) with more dynamic series and standing postures (Yang) are combined in one class. This class is both suitable for beginners and for experienced yoga practitioners.